Browser games. Free Online Strategy

Play browser games online strategy, and create a powerful empire.

Ten years ago, about the modern level of development of network technologies and out of the question. Hissing modems were the height of technology, and download images small by today's standards size from a few seconds to a few minutes. Flash games and cartoons to download individual, not the easiest programs and files, and the imposition of a flash based and it was not. For such an idea would be ridiculed web designer colleagues, some may have advised him to check into a mental institution. Now the internet measured less than megabits is mobile and stationary computer is laughable. The cost of monthly service providers almost equal to the cost of the phone with a modem connection. There were also games that are completely written in Flash technology and is fully working in the browser. For multiplayer games division appeared on the browser and the client, though the first gobble of traffic per day more than you can download a modem for a month. Internet has ceased to be a very slow network, it is now a repository of hundreds of virtual worlds, among which you can find absolutely any options. Number of game scenes exceeds wildest fantasies of dreamers, and the volume of game servers are going wild. Internet has become a self-sustaining phenomenon, in which hundreds of ways to have commerce, producing money by Soviet standards out of thin air. Direct methods of earning on the level buy-sell are simply bad form, as well as running project and is the main product. As networks begin to settle all genres of games, with many of them recently seemed too bulky for this kind of accommodation. Internet strategy is gradually replacing the classic games on the network, an RPG at all migrated to the network is converted to its MMO version, even multiplayer shooters are. At the same browser-based games to conquer such genres that were previously only as the client and can not imagine it. In particular, the strategy almost all settled in browser world. Specificity of the Internet dictates not only stylish, but also the genre features. 90 % of Internet strategies - economic or step by step. While the flash version of the power is not inferior to an old games on discs. Some of the browser-based online strategy games are massive simulations of the economy with the withdrawal of money. A simple games of this type you can play right here for free. So check back soon to evaluate the effect of technology.